Thu, 27 September 2018

KNX configurable Logic Module

The ekinex® configurable Logic Module EK-LM2-TP is a device used to operate on data exchanged on the KNX bus with many logical and mathematical processing functions.

The device contains several kinds of functional blocks:

  • Logic Combines a number of boolean inputs according to logic operations.
  • Arithmetic / Math Performs mathematical computations on one or more input values.
  • Range Performs a scaling of the input value to a different range of values, or a boundary limit.
  • Mapping Translates a set of input values (up to 8 points) to a different set of output values.
  • Conversion Converts a KNX communication object to another one with a different KNX data type (DPT).
  • Timer Implements a one-shot (monostable) or free-running (astable) timer, with configurable on- and off-delay times.
  • Compare Returns the result of a comparison (equal, larger, smaller etc.) between two input values.
  • Multiplexer Copies the value of one input object to either 1 of N output objects, or to all objects selected in the output set.

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