EkinexLab Insights

The residential and industrial building automation sector is constantly evolving. Technological developments anticipate regulatory requirements while standards and decrees regulate the construction and renovation of buildings with an increasingly precise focus on sustainable development and decarbonisation of structures. EkinexLab aims to provide a quality perspective on the technologies adopted in building automation and design on KNX standards through in-depth analysis aimed at understanding the most technical aspects and regulations adopted at European and international level.

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Renovation wave and Smart buildings

The European Union's plan aims to double the rate of building renovation, cutting emissions, stimulating recovery and reducing energy poverty; to do this it needs more and more smart buildings

Mon, 18 January 2021
Control Ekinex KNX devices with your voice

By means of a gateway, the most common home speakers can also be interfaced to the KNX home automation system of a smart home. In addition to voice commands, ekinex can also be controlled with the Apps offered by the OTT.

Wed, 13 November 2019
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