Catalogues and technical guides

Download the technical documentation, catalogues, brochures, technical guides and more regarding Ekinex solutions.

Who We Are

Who We Are

A new document that explains in words and pictures who we are and our vision for the world of home automation.

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Who We Are Tech

Who We Are Tech

A document that provides an overview of feasible applications quickly identifying the most suitable devices for individual needs.

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Smart Interiors

Smart Interiors

A brochure dedicated to aesthetic solutions where the combination of technology and design is more explicit and the Ekinex style is recognized.

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Technical Catalogue (12/2024)

Technical Catalogue (12/2024)

An extensive and detailed document with all the technical information of Ekinex solutions and products for home & building automation.

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10 Reasons

10 Reasons

Ekinex suggests 10 good reasons why it is worthwhile to automate the electrical system of a building and make it modern, efficient and safe.

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Smart Lighting

Smart Lighting

A Technical Guide that provides many examples of the use of Ekinex devices for lighting control and regulation.

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