with Ekinex Made in Italy devices

    with Ekinex Made in Italy devices
Ekinex Konnect4

Native integration in Control4 of Ekinex devices and configuration in Composer Pro

The Ekinex device range is now compatible with the Control4 ecosystem. In Composer Pro it is possible to configure Ekinex products and integrate them into a Control4 automation system, even making them interact with third-party devices.

A single driver for all our wall-mount devices

All Ekinex wall-mount devices with thermostats are programmable with our Composer Pro driver, which automatically recognises the model and allows the operating parameters to be set.


    Essential geometry in forms and a decisive trait. More than ever LESS IS MORE.
  • 71 SERIES

    Harmony and essentiality. The rigorous simplicity of detail.

    The aesthetic style of a product with clean and essential lines, with exact and harmonious volumes.

    A different way of interpreting the concept of wall mount device, beyond convention, beyond the already seen.

All the programming done in Composer Pro

No Need for ETS: all programming can be done directly within Composer Pro!

Thanks to SDDP discovery, the Konnect 4 gateway and all devices connected to the BUS are automatically detected and added to the project. The supplied drivers allow you to download the configuration directly from Composer Pro, and offer all the connections necessary to realize the functions you want.

Driver for Composer Pro


Flexibility of combining EKINEX and CONTROL4 products in the same installation.
Very easy cabling for installers.
Enhancement of the Control4 proposal with design-oriented products.
The same devices can be used by KNX professionals (with ETS) and by non-experts directly in Composer Pro.
Maximum reliability being the solution based on KNX standard.
Win-win product offering for all markets, by fitting the different needs, styles and expectations of installers and end users.

  • Konnect4 is the bridge between Control4 ecosystem and Ekinex products
    Connect Konnect4 to the same LAN network as the Control4 controller, and to the Ekinex device bus. By pressing the programming button, the new devices are automatically recognized, and presented in the SDDP discovery list in Composer Pro. Simply double-click to add the corresponding drivers to the project, and modify their properties to establish their behavior.

    User manual Step by Step Tutorial Video Tutorial

  • Konnect4 is the bridge between Control4 ecosystem and Ekinex products
    Connect Konnect4 to the same LAN network as the Control4 controller, and to the Ekinex device bus. By pressing the programming button, the new devices are automatically recognized, and presented in the SDDP discovery list in Composer Pro. Simply double-click to add the corresponding drivers to the project, and modify their properties to establish their behavior.

    User manual Step by Step Tutorial Video Tutorial

System architecture

The following diagram shows how to connect Ekinex devices to a Control4 automation system through the Konnect4 gateway.
As illustrated, Ekinex devices can interact with third-party devices, and be managed from the Control4 visualization.

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