Even richer in content the BIM library of Ekinex devices

The main benefit of adopting the BIM methodology is the 3D representation during the design phase, which speeds up processes, reduces delivery times and allows errors and inaccuracies to be detected first.

The greater efficiency in sharing information and a more precise control over all the processes involved, also make it possible to contain costs and schedule in advance maintenance operations.

BIM will become the standard process for all buildings and is being integrated into public procurement legislation across Europe.
For further information please consult our FAQ section.

The BIM library of wall-mounting devices is available in Autodesk Revit® 2019/2024 format, by installing our Ekinex BIM Content Creator software, a real advanced configurator of the product range that will be enriched with future updates and expansions. Watch the setup and utilization Video


The BIM library of DIN rail mounting devices is available in Autodesk Revit® 2019/2024 format.

Fill in the form. We will send you an email with the link to download the BIM library

  • BIM library
  • BIM library

BIM library


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