• Wherever you are

  • At any time

  • Delégo does it for you

  • Delégo does it for you

  • Delégo does it for you

  • Delégo does it for you


Wherever you are you will never be far from the things you love

Thanks to Delégo you remain connected to your home at all times, from anywhere, at any time of the day.
Delégo controls every space ensuring safety, well-being and comfort.
It creates for you the most suitable scenario for every moment of the day, leaving you free to enjoy every moment.

Download the presentation

Live your day: Delégo will do the rest

A system that allows you to manage the entire technology of your home in a simple and intuitive way.
Discover how Delègo can support you, leaving more time for yourself.

Many different situations, only one solution

Whether it is your regular home, office or holiday residence, Delégo allows you and your whole family to interact with the different areas.
Switch from one system to another, from one room to another without any problems.

Everything in your hands, and even more

All of the technology of home in the palm of your hands or if you prefer with the sound of your voice. You choose the mode that best suits you.
Delégo works on smartphones, tablets, wall-mounted touch-screen panel and with voice control

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