Door phone IP Dico

Open the door to the future

With a sleek design and extreme ease of use, the DICO door phone leverages a wide range of cutting-edge technologies for intelligent building access and home control.

  • Dico
  • Dico
  • Easy to use and install

    Easy to use and install

    Dico is an IP-based outdoor door phone based on the SIP standard, which is fully integrated with the Delégo supervision system and can operate completely autonomously within the home network. It is a fully touchscreen product, and thanks to integration with the Ekinex cloud and the Delégo app, you can receive video calls wherever you are.

  • Easy to use and install

    Easy to use and install

    Dico is an IP-based outdoor door phone based on the SIP standard, which is fully integrated with the Delégo supervision system and can operate completely autonomously within the home network. It is a fully touchscreen product, and thanks to integration with the Ekinex cloud and the Delégo app, you can receive video calls wherever you are.

  • Unlimited video calls, anywhere, anytime

    Unlimited video calls, anywhere, anytime

    App usage is the perfect ally for both installers and end users. Installers can configure systems with one or more video door phones and set up call forwarding rules for different flats. End users can also receive calls outside the home, monitor video door phones remotely and consult the call and access history. With DICO, security and control are always at hand.

    For KNX and IP video door phone systems
    all integrated in one app.
    For IP Video Door Station installations
  • Unlimited video calls, anywhere, anytime

    Unlimited video calls, anywhere, anytime

    App usage is the perfect ally for both installers and end users. Installers can configure systems with one or more video door phones and set up call forwarding rules for different flats. End users can also receive calls outside the home, monitor video door phones remotely and consult the call and access history. With DICO, security and control are always at hand.

    For KNX and IP video door phone systems
    all integrated in one app.
    For IP Video Door Station installations

Multiple access control management

Dico integrates a powerful facial recognition system based on biometric data stored in the device, allows access to controlled accesses by entering a numeric PIN code, can enable access via a previously generated QR code and also via RFID cards or proximity cards at 13.56 MHz.

  • Facial recognition

    Multiple access control management

    Facial Recognition

    DICO integrates a powerful facial recognition system, based on biometric data stored within the device (no cloud calls). Biometric profiles are anonymised in full compliance with privacy and GDPR directives. Faces can be stored by uploading a simple photo to the local configuration web interface, or through a learning procedure.

    When a face is recognised, DICO can close its integrated relay, and also send a request to Delégo to perform other operations such as KNX auxiliary commands or scenarios.

  • Facial recognition

    Multiple access control management

    Facial Recognition

    DICO integrates a powerful facial recognition system, based on biometric data stored within the device (no cloud calls). Biometric profiles are anonymised in full compliance with privacy and GDPR directives. Faces can be stored by uploading a simple photo to the local configuration web interface, or through a learning procedure.

    When a face is recognised, DICO can close its integrated relay, and also send a request to Delégo to perform other operations such as KNX auxiliary commands or scenarios.

  • Virtual keyboard

    Multiple access control management

    Virtual Keyboard

    DICO allows access to controlled accesses by entering a numerical PIN code, directly on the display. In the future, it may be integrated into the MyWay access control system on Delégo.

  • Virtual keyboard

    Multiple access control management

    Virtual Keyboard

    DICO allows access to controlled accesses by entering a numerical PIN code, directly on the display. In the future, it may be integrated into the MyWay access control system on Delégo.

  • Multiple access control management

    Multi-apartment and multi-tenant management

    The Dico video door entry system lends itself perfectly to multi-apartment residential building management, even of large size, as well as tertiary and multi-tenant installations. The graphic interface can be customised to display:

    The direct list of tenants (in flat mode), typically used in apartment buildings.
    The list of companies, with a sub-page dedicated to the interiors of each company, typically used in multi-tenant buildings.

    The optional screen saver mode can display e.g. a static logo, individual company logos in rotation, or the building address.

  • Multiple access control management

    Multi-apartment and multi-tenant management

    The Dico video door entry system lends itself perfectly to multi-apartment residential building management, even of large size, as well as tertiary and multi-tenant installations. The graphic interface can be customised to display:

    The direct list of tenants (in flat mode), typically used in apartment buildings.
    The list of companies, with a sub-page dedicated to the interiors of each company, typically used in multi-tenant buildings.

    The optional screen saver mode can display e.g. a static logo, individual company logos in rotation, or the building address.

  • QR code reading

    Multiple access control management

    QR code reading

    DICO can also enable access via a previously generated and authorised QR code. In this way, it is possible to conveniently grant access for a certain period to occasional guests, without the need to store their biometric data and/or share their code numbers.

  • QR code reading

    Multiple access control management

    QR code reading

    DICO can also enable access via a previously generated and authorised QR code. In this way, it is possible to conveniently grant access for a certain period to occasional guests, without the need to store their biometric data and/or share their code numbers.

  • NFC Technology

    Multiple access control management

    NFC technology

    DICO can also enable access via RFID cards or 13.56 MHz proximity cards. In the future, this function may be integrated into the MyWay access control system on Delégo.

  • NFC Technology

    Multiple access control management

    NFC technology

    DICO can also enable access via RFID cards or 13.56 MHz proximity cards. In the future, this function may be integrated into the MyWay access control system on Delégo.

  • Main features

    Main Features

    With the latest deep learning algorithm and dual camera motion detection technology, it can be used for residential and commercial applications for the implementation of intelligent access control.

  • Tailor-made elegance

    Customised aluminium frames

    Tailor-made elegance

    Whether for a private residence or a corporate facility, our customised frames are the perfect accessory to complete the aesthetics of your video door phone. In addition to protection and advanced functionality, add a touch of elegance with the four exclusive finishes: White, Silver Grey, Brass and Carbon.

  • Tailor-made elegance

    Customised aluminium frames

    Tailor-made elegance

    Whether for a private residence or a corporate facility, our customised frames are the perfect accessory to complete the aesthetics of your video door phone. In addition to protection and advanced functionality, add a touch of elegance with the four exclusive finishes: White, Silver Grey, Brass and Carbon.

Application diagram of integration with Delégo supervision system

Dico is an IP outdoor video intercom based on the SIP standard, which is fully integrated with the Delégo supervision system and can operate completely autonomously within the home network. It is a fully touch product, and thanks to integration with the Ekinex cloud and the Delégo app, you can receive video calls wherever you are.

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