Ekinex has obtained the certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 "Quality Management Systems". Today it has the certification UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 released by AQSCERT (certificate no. 79142021).

For the Ekinex® project KNX Association certifies and attests the compliance of the devices with the following requirements:

  • Quality system according to ISO 9001
  • European standard EN 50090-2-2 (covering such aspects as EMC, electrical safety, environmental conditions, of bus products) and an appropriate product standard. Compliance can be shown to KNX Association by the submission of a CE declaration
  • Volume 3 and Volume 6 of the KNX Specifications, the former being a toolbox of the KNX protocol features, the latter listing the allowed profiles of the KNX stack based on the toolbox as mentioned before
  • KNX Interworking requirements as regards standardised data types and (optionally) agreed functional blocks

The full compliance with these requirements is in itself the best guarantee of a product of highest quality, safe and environmentally friendly.

KNX Member Dali Member Cedia Member Quality Policy ISO 9001 RoHS Declaration
  • Quality and certification
  • Quality and certification

Quality and certification


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