
Become a KNX Partner

KNX Association offers interested parties - such as companies, system integrators, planners and installers - who want to specialise in KNX technology the possibility to become a KNX Partner by participating in a training course organised by a KNX certified training centre.

Ekinex Lab is the KNX+ certified training centre of Ekinex spa

Having adopted the KNX Association's Certification Scheme, Ekinex Lab offers standardised KNX courses in Basic and Advanced. After successfully completing these courses, the participant receives an official KNX Partner certificate and is included in the KNX Partner list on the KNX website. Furthermore, participants get credits for the "Knowledge" category of the Ranking of Partners.

KNX Member Training Center KNX+

The training offer

Ekinex Lab has six mobile training stations with which a maximum of twelve participants (two per station) can be trained per course. The training rooms are equipped with multimedia support equipment.

The first step to participate in a KNX certified course at Ekinex Lab is the registration via the KNX Association website.

  • Log in and select "Log in". If you are already a customer, please enter your KNX login and password. If you are a new customer, select "Create MyKNX account".
  • Fill in all required fields
  • Log in to your MyKNX account (
  • Click on "My Account" and go to "Applications"
  • Select "Sign up for a KNX certified course"

KNX Basic Course

The KNX Basic Course is the first to be attended to become a KNX Partner. No previous knowledge or KNX certificates are required, however it is preferable to first attend the eCampus at The topics covered in the Basic Course are as follows:

  • ETS6 Professional
  • System arguments
  • System Overview
  • Topology
  • Bus devices
  • KNX in Radio Frequency (RF)
  • Wired installation (TP, Twisted Pair)

The course is completed by a theoretical and a practical examination. Participants must pass the theoretical and practical examination (with error search, telegram/device analysis, realisation of a project) with at least 50% marks. The duration of the course, including the final examination, is 30 hours spread over 5 days. Participation in the course earns 40 credits in the KNX Partner Ranking.

KNX Advanced Course

The KNX Advanced Course is the next level of training and requires having previously successfully completed the final examination of the KNX Basic Course.

The topics covered in the Advanced Course are as follows:

  • Safe planning (information chapter)
  • ETS applications (information chapter)
  • KNX and Multimedia (information chapter)
  • KNX and Smart Metering / Smart Grid (informative chapter)
  • Flag
  • Interoperability
  • KNX telegram
  • KNX Secure
  • Control of the HVAC system
  • Couplers
  • IP Communication
  • Lighting control
  • Security Technology
  • Logical operations
  • Visualisation systems

The course is completed by a theoretical and a practical examination. Participants must pass the theoretical and practical examination (error search, telegram/device analysis, project planning) with at least 50% marks. The duration of the course, including final examinations, is 30 hours spread over 5 days. Participation in the course earns 20 credits in the KNX Partner Ranking.

KNX course for HVAC specialists

KNX professionals who install KNX devices impacting on the proper functioning of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) components must have sufficient knowledge in this area to be able to adequately coordinate work with the company that installed the HVAC components.

Objectives of the KNX course for HVAC specialists are:

  • facilitate communication between the KNX specialist and the designer of the heating installation
  • explain important technical terms regarding HVAC components
  • promote KNX technology also in the HVAC market segment

For participation, it is required to have previously successfully completed the final examination of the KNX Basic Course. The topics covered in the KNX Course for HVAC specialists are as follows:

  • Basic knowledge
  • Heat distribution systems
  • Heat generators
  • Legal framework
  • Understanding the concepts of control and regulation
  • Heating control
  • Domestic water heating
  • Energy efficiency with KNX

The course is completed by a theoretical examination. Participants must pass the examination with at least 50% of the marks. The duration of the course, including the final exam, is 12 hours spread over 2 days. Participation in the course earns 15 credits in the KNX Partner Ranking.

KNX Basic Course

The KNX Basic Course is the first to be attended to become a KNX Partner. No previous knowledge or KNX certificates are required, however it is preferable to attend the eCampus at first.
More information

KNX Advanced Course

The KNX Advanced Course is the next level of training and requires having previously successfully completed the final examination of the KNX Basic Course.
More information

KNX course for HVAC specialists

Participation in the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Specialist Course requires prior successful completion of the KNX Basic Course final examination.
More information

Our Tutors

The Tutors of Ekinex Lab are certified having successfully completed the KNX Tutor Course. But they offer much more: as long-time employees of Ekinex they have many years of multidisciplinary experience in the world of home and building automation with KNX.
For the Ekinex Lab Tutors theoretical knowledge is combined with practical experience and technical advice in the development of KNX-based solutions.


Francesco Deantoni
Certified KNX++ Tutor
Stefano Galli
Certified KNX++ Tutor


More information

For more information on Ekinex LAB's certified KNX courses contact:


KNX Online Course

Basic course
Sold out
KNX Practical Course

Basic course
Sold out
Webinar Metering

11:00 - 45 min


KNX Online Course

KNX Expert
KNX Practical Course

KNX Expert
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