Line/area coupler

DIN-Rail mount modules



The Ekinex® line / area coupler EK-BA1-TP can be used as a line coupler to connect a secondary line to a main line, as an area coupler to connect a main line to a backbone line or as a repeater. The device assures galvanic insulation between the two connected lines and filters the traffic based on installation position or on filter tables in case of group-oriented communications. The frontal LEDs indicate the status of each bus line and facilitate the tracing of communication problems due to bus load or to re-transmission on both lines. The device integrates a KNX bus communication module and is realized for mounting on a standard 35 mm DIN-rail.

Technical data
  • 30 Vdc power supply by KNX bus
  • Current consumption (from main bus line) ca.10 mA
  • Suppress device configuration on the sub line
  • Enable or disable filtering of group messages
  • Suppress device oriented messages
  • Trace the traffic on the sub line
  • Reduced number of retransmissions

Delivery includes two terminal blocks for connection to the bus lines.

Functions / Features
  • Plastic casing
  • Frontal programming pushbutton and LED
  • LEDs indicators for status of KNX bus lines
  • Pushbutton for activating special functions
  • Connection to bus lines with KNX terminal blocks
  • Installation on 35 mm rail (according to EN 60715)
  • 2 modular units (1 MU = 18 mm)
  • IP20 protection degree (installed device)
  • Weight 100 g
Configurationa and commissioning

A detailed description of the parameters can be found in the application manual of the device. Configuration and commissioning require ETS5 or later versions. ETS application program: APEKBA1TP##.knxprod (## = release)

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