PROFINET - KNX gateway

DIN-Rail mount modules



The Ekinex® PROFINET - KNX Gateway performs a protocol conversion between a PROFINET and a KNX TP network. The device acts as slave of PROFINET communication. The device integrates a KNX bus communication module and it is suitable for mounting on a 35 mm DIN rail; it requires an auxiliary power supply.

Technical data
  • Power supply: 8...24 Vac or 12...35 Vdc
  • Absorption at 24 Vdc: 3,5 VA
KNX side
  • KNX TP (Twisted Pair) communication port electrically isolated from power supply
  • 1440-byte volatile support “KNX image” memory buffer
  • Ethernet communication port (IEEE 802.3), RJ45 connector, minimum cable category:
  • 5E.Communication PROFINET slave
  • PROFINET data exchange
  • 1440-byte volatile support “PROFINET image” memory buffer

Ethernet communication port (IEEE 802.3), RJ45 connector, minimum cable category: 5E.


The delivery includes the device and terminal blocks to connect to the KNX bus.

Other information

PROFINET (Process Field Net) is an open source, Ethernet based (IEEE 802.xx) standard communication protocol, suitable for data exchange between field devices in industrial and process automation applications. The standard is supported by PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI) association. 

Functions / Features
  • Plastic casing
  • Connection to bus line with KNX terminal block
  • Installation on 35 mm rail (according to EN 60715)
  • 4 modular units (1 MU = 18 mm)
  • IP20 protection degree (installed device)
  • Weight 145 g
Configurationa and commissioning

A detailed description of the parameters can be found in the application manual of the device. Configuration and commissioning require the application software CGEKBN1TP.exe

  • v. 1.201 (31/08/2022)
  • ZIP | 2,2 MB
  • Download
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