Digital time/astronomical switch

DIN-Rail mount modules



The EK-TM1-TP electronic digital time switch is a KNX device for the management over time of the electrical devices. It allows time programming (periodicity: daily, weekly or annual) or astronomical programming. The device can pilot 9 different channels on KNX bus. The relay on the device replicates the channel 1 programming. Each channel can be associated with a different programming (time or astronomical). It is possible to connect via bus the EK-GPS-1 module (to be ordered separately), that captures the time and the position through the satellite system, ensuring a greater accuracy over time. The backup battery keeps the settings even in case of power failure and can be replaced through the cover (sealable).

Technical data
  • Power supply: 115 ÷ 230 Vac (-15% ÷ +10%) 50/60 Hz
  • Power consumption: 7 VA (2.6 W)

1 monostable switching relay 16(10) A at 250 Vac


Delivery includes a terminal block for connection to the bus. The optional module EK-GPS-1 has to be ordered separately.

Functions / Features
  • Plastic casing
  • LCD with backlight (active only with AC power supply)
  • Password lockable keyboard
  • 450 storable programs (900 events) divisible on 9 channels
  • Daily/weekly/monthly/yearly + astronomical programming
  • On/off, pulse, holiday, random, night (astronomical) programmes
  • Programming resolution 1 minute
  • Actions type 1B
  • Automatic update of daylight saving time (configurable)
  • Connection to bus line with KNX terminal block
  • Screw terminal blocks for connecting 230 Vac, output and GPS module
  • Lithium backup battery: 3V, CR14250 type (5-years life, replaceable)
  • Reinforced insulation between accessible parts (front) and all the other terminals
  • Protection degree IP20 (device installed)
  • Mounting on 35 mm standard DIN-rail (according to EN 60715)
  • 3 modular units (1 UM = 18 mm)
Configurationa and commissioning

A detailed description of the parameters can be found in the application manual of the device. Configuration and commissioning require ETS5 or later versions. ETS application program: APEKTM1TP##.knxprod (## = release).

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