RS485 Modbus communication module

DIN-Rail mount modules



The Ekinex® RS485 Modbus communication module EK-MC1-MD collects and transmits, through Modbus RTU or ASCII protocol, measurement data of Ekinex® single and three phase energy meters. Data transmission between meter and communication module is performed through the integrated optical port. Change of RS485 parameters is made directly on the combined meter or by sending the proper Modbus protocol commands to the module. The device is suitable for mounting on a 35 mm DIN rail. 

Technical data
Power supply
  • Nominal voltage: 230 Vac ± 20% / 50 Hz
  • Max repetitive voltage: 300 Vac
  • Max non repetitive voltage peak: 320 Vac (20 ms)
  • Consumption: max 5 VA
Modbus side
  • Protocol: Modbus RTU (8N1) and ASCII (7E2)
  • Port: RS485
  • Communication speed: 300...115200 bps
  • Termination resistor integrated in the module
Meter side
  • Type: serial, optical port
  • Communication speed: 38400 bps

Delivery includes a terminal block for connecting the bus line.

Functions / Features
  • Plastic casing
  • Set default pushbutton to restore all parameters to the factory settings
  • Frontal LED for Power (POWER) and Communication (ACT / ERR) status
  • Bus line connection through KNX terminal block
  • Installation on 35 mm DIN rail (according to EN 60715)
  • 1 modular unit (1 MU = 18 mm)
  • Protection degree IP20 (installed device)
  • Weight 65 g
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